placebo effect

Categories :Homoeopathy

I have heard a lot about the term placebo effect. Could you explain it? Are Homoeopathic pills placebos?

Homoeopathic remedy for cure of Tonsillitis

Categories :Tonsillitis

My younger sister, when she was about 10 years old, suffered from frequent bouts of throat infection and cough. The Read More

Homoeopathic medicine for Warts

Categories :Warts

My uncle , at that time aged about 55 , was a diabetic and visited us one day seeking some Read More

Homoeopathic treatment of warts

Categories :Warts

At the age of 25, I had multiple warts on my hands. The skin specialist (Dermatologist) suggested a process called Read More

Homoeopathy medicine for gallstones

Categories :Gall stones

I had stones in my gall bladder. The doctor at the government hospital insisted that I get it removed surgically. Read More