Healthcare Consultation

Please seek any healthcare advice. Paid consultation shall be provided to you on holistic lines with a strong AN healthcare approach. AN healthcare approach embodies the best of the alternative systems of medicine— Ayurveda and Naturopathy. We underline here that Naturopathy is a part and parcel of Ayurveda. This is a unique healthcare consultation website that provides the path to good health based primarily on lifestyle correction without the use of branded medicines.

Based on the collective experience and expertise available with us, we shall render you consultation information on how to best manage your health problem—acute or chronic and achieve freedom from it in the shortest possible time and with the least expenditure of effort and money. Our core strength is preventive healthcare knowledge and its application and lifestyle correction, which is more important than medicines. Our consultation will be focused on lifestyle correction and no drug usage and no branded medicine usage of any kind. We understand and strongly believe that simple , home based natural remedies are very powerful and effective if intelligently administered. Our consultation/information will , therefore, include only such remedies, if at all.

Your disease description/query/question and personal information shall be treated in strict confidence and will not be posted on this website among general blogs. The information shall be separately preserved for future use. Our reply shall be mailed to you within 3 days.

Our suggestion and  reply  shall be informational in nature and is not a substitute for treatment under your doctor, since there is no doctor-patient relationship between us.

Please remit a consultation fee of Rs. 500 or USD 10 ( remittance from outside India) at the Account Number/Bank indicated below.

Punjab National Bank Account # 00291131002456,  ISFC Code:  PUNB0002910

On receipt of your disease description/query/question, formatted personal information and the consultation fee, we shall send you by email our consultation advice. We have qualified Ayurvedic Physicians as Associates who render such advice.

A disease free life of 100 years is the right of every human being. Wishing you the best of health.


Star Enterprises

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