Homoeopathy — Its Utility, Applications and Limitations

Categories :Homoeopathy
Author: working team--www.personalhealthcare.in

As per popular feedback based on life experiences, we have written an article which is reproduced below

Homoeopathy — Its Utility, Applications and Limitations

Homoeopathy as a system of medicine was started by Samuel Hahnemann in the later part of 18th century. The German physician, while experimenting with the effects of Cinchona on healthy and diseased individuals, discoverd that this drug created symptoms of Malaria in healthy persons when given in large, repeated doses. And if administered in minute, potentised doses, the very same drug cures Malaria in diseased persons. This is the principle of `Like cures like’ which Hahnemann referred to as `Similima Similibus currentur.’

Homoeopathy subsequently became very popular in Europe and America in the 19th century. A large number of drugs based on their provings (drug induced symptoms in healthy persons) were brought into practice. There drugs were sourced from the animal kingdom, from plants and herbs, from minerals, metals and chemical compounds-organic and inorganic. As Allopathy and Surgery were not developed then, Homoeopathy became very popular.

However over the last 150 years, Allopathy and Surgery have progressed by leaps and bounds. The development of high technology diagnostic and surgical implements have given a fillip to modern medical practice. It has to be adimitted that the popularity of Homoeopathy has not gone up, rather it has dwindled during the last 150 years. Even in Germany, the land of its founder, Homoeopathy is neither very popular today nor enjoys state patronage as an alternative System of medicine. Essentially the same situation prevails in USA and Canada. What is the reason for this low popularity of Homoeopathy in countries where it once flourished?

A system of medicine which was once stated to be complete and capable of effecting complete cure of diseases without a semblance of side effects lies neglected today. Why is it so? This article attempts to answer these very questions and tries to throw proper light on the perceived inadequacies and limitations of this system of medicine. It also takes a look at the areas where Homoeopathy is inherently useful with benefits which are unique. All this is important because most of the educated readers are not aware of the real potential and limitations of Homoeopathic treatment.

  1. Homoeopathy has had some remarkable cures to its credit. The reason is simple. The working of Homoeopathic medicines is based on the fundamental principle of `like-cures-like’. But apparently, Homoeopathic treatment can only alter the `Vata’ dosha in the human body. Agreed, disease is the result of vitiation of `Vata’ dosha caused in turn by vitiation of `Vata dosha per-se or vitiation of `Kapha’ and `Pitta’. But it can correct `Vata’ dosha to smaller or greater degree without altering the disturbed `Kapha’ and `Pitta’ doshas, with the result that the disease is not fully extinguished. Many times, the potentised Homoeopathic drugs powerfully affect and alter the disturbed `Vata’ dosha bringing about a cessation of disease symptoms but the `Vata’ dosha is not completely removed because its exciting, underlying causes- the `Kapha’ and `Pitta’ doshas remain untouched. Also, in many cases, Homoeopathic treatment brings about only a change in seat of the disease, a change in original symptoms. This is called metastasis. The diseases in which Homoeopathic drugs work wonders and effect a complete cure need to be indicated. A gross attempt is made here to list below these broad disease types or indicate utility areas of Homoeopathy.
    1. Acute or chronic effects of injuries including hastening the joining of bones following a fracture of the 
    2. Preventing acute or chronic ill effects on the body following surgery.
    3. Rheumatic pains, not of a systemic origin.
    4. Skin disease like warts, moles, rashes, boils, eczema (not 
    of a systemic origin).
    5. Bad effects of vaccination
    6. Bad effects of suppressive treatment through the use of 
    other drugs.
    7. Bad effects of allopathic drugs manifesting in ‘allergy’ or 
    ‘allergic reaction’.
    8. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, quinsy.
    9. Asthma (acute condition)
    10. Mental illness when caused by trauma of a physical or mental 
    11. Endocrine disorders, particularly goitre
    12. Dyspepsia
    13. Sinusitis (for relief of acute symptoms)
    14. Nervous ailments

In most of the chronic diseases which are caused by irregular eating or sleeping habits like dietetic and other lifestyle errors from the basic Ayurvedic viewpoint, Homoeopathic treatment alone cannot bring about cure. It has to be supplemented by a diet and other lifestyle corrective plan. The other limitation of Homoeapthy is a lack of standardisation which makes the selection of appropriate remedy a hit and miss affair. There is usually a long list of remedies catering to one particular disease. Selection of the proper remedy which matches the individuality of patient’s symptoms becomes very difficult. 

In recent times computers have been employed to tackle this problem but with limited, little success. Homoeopathy has little utility in the management of systemic illnesses like Diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension and Hypotension, chronic catarrh, cancer, sexually transmitted disease, infectious diseases and epidemics, dental ailments and a whole lot of other diseases caused by errors in diet and general lifestyle.

The third important point about Homoeopathy is its inscrutabilty by modern science. How Homoeopathic medicines work, whether high potency Homoeopathic medicines are really safe and free of side effects–all this is shrouded in mystery. Some people believe that Homoeoathic medicines act through nerves by ‘charging’ them. In that case any high potency medicine would charge the nerve and might as well leave a deleterious effect in some form or the other, perhaps subsequently.

Nevertheless, working with low potency Homoeopathic medicines (Upto 30 c potency) and the 12 biochemic tissue medicines of 3x and 6x potency (Kali phos, Natrum phos, Natrum sulph etc.) is beneficial in many cases and safer.