Situations of Trauma and Injuries
Falls, accidents or other similar episodes inflict injuries on the body, sometimes serious and, at times fatal. Management of trauma is a full fledged subject in its own right. Modern medicine, with its advanced surgical techniques and implements is very well equipped to deal with trauma cases. Bruises, cuts, abrasions and most of other external injuries are very well treated in modern medical practice. Most of the internal injuries are also quite effectively managed. Conditions of internal hemorrhage, especially in head injury too are very effectively tackled. Whenever use of antibiotics and of surgery is necessitated, it gives desired excellent results. However, with all this something needs to be stated on drugs of other systems of medicine which are unique for their advantages and have no substitutes. Specific examples shall be cited to highlight this point. Many of these medicines or remedies have specific properties and act miraculously in their spheres of application. Let us see how.
Head injuries – Internal head injuries are serious. Concussion of the head is one important effect. Sometimes mental effects also result from head injuries some of which may be chronic. Here, it would be worthwhile to mention the names and properties of some Homoeopathic drugs which are specifics for injuries and trauma.
- Natrum Sulphuricum – It is a wonderful specific drug which is capable or correcting all ill effects on the mind caused by head injuries. Loss of memory and all chronic mental symptoms resulting from head injury are corrected by this drug in 6x, 12x, 30 or even higher potencies.
- Arnica Montana – This miraculously effective drug is another specific for physical effects of head injury, concussion, internal injury to soft tissues etc. Given immediately or shortly after the episode of trauma this drug helps to correct the disturbance caused by injury and prevent serious complications.
Other types of injuries – In the management of all other types of physical injuries too, Arnica Montana has a great role to play. It is very efficacious in sprains and soft tissue injuries. It helps to arrest the development of any serious structural /morphological effects of injuries. Therefore this drug must find place in the kit of every physician and also in each household for emergency treatment. The remarkable property of Arnica Montana is that it is capable of correcting the effects of injury of any type, anywhere in the body. But then it cannot take the place of surgery where surgical intervention as an emergency treatment is warranted.
Injuries to soft tissues – Injuries to soft tissues like tendons, ligaments and muscles are self healing. Unfortunately there is not much in the Allopathic pharmacopeia to hasten healing. But in Ayurveda, there are many remedies that are capable of speeding up the healing process. Plain turmeric powder taken alongwith hot, sweetened milk is one such household remedy. Apart from this a famous drug formulation called ‘ Shilajit’ is very effective in rejuvenation therapy of all types. It is useful in injuries to soft tissues or even in fracture of bones. It really quickens up the healing process.
Bone fractures – Modern medicine has excellent arrangement for the management of bone fractures. But potent, natural and readily assimilable drugs for hastening calcification and reunion of bones are wanting. ‘Shilajit’, the drug of choice described above is very useful in this. Another drug is ‘Symphytum’, given in minute Homeopahtic doses. It acts specifically on bone tissue to help in natural joining of cracked and fractured bones.
Burn injuries – Burn injuries are also pretty serious especially when the depth of the skin burnt is more than 50 percent. Elaborate arrangements are available in modern hospitals and clinics for proper care and treatment of patients with burn injuries. The efficacy of Auto urine therapy in the management of burn injuries has perhaps largely been overlooked. Application of self urine of the patient on the burnt skin has been known to speedily cure burn injuries without producing scars. This treatment has not received the attention and importance that it merits.
Ayurvedic treatment offers many excellent remedies for successful management of burn injuries. One such remedy is a mixture of coconut oil and lime water in equal proportions. There are many more. Advice on these should be taken only from a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic physician. Remember, God almighty created man. He created fire which causes burns. He created herbs and mineral stones. He provided in the human surroundings all that is required to cure human diseases. He created poisons and antidotes to poisons. And he gave Ayurveda to mankind. Ayurveda shows which natural element, compound or herb is to be used for which ailment. Burn injuries, if not very severe, can be treated very well by Ayurvedic remedies without any serious side effects or scars. Their choice is only a matter of greater faith and application.
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