Health benefits of mustard oil

Author: working

Health benefits of mustard oil

  • Anti-bacterial – It has antibacterial properties which can keep the urinary tract infections at bay.
  • Ant-fungal– It also restricts fungus growth as it contains allyl isothiocyanate which is an agent which combats fungus.
  • Removes Toxins – For flushing out toxins, salt and water from body, it can be applied as it induces sweating and reduces body temperature.
  • Revitalize Sensation– Organs that are numb or have no sensation can be treated using this oil as it can stimulate it externally.
  • Appetizer– It can be an effective appetizer, inducing hunger because it can stimulate intestines.
  • Improves Digestion– Mustard oil can be an effective digestive agent as it can help liver and spleen to produce gastric juices.
  • Warming Up– During winters, mustard oil can be a great saviour helping your body to remain warm and keeping it free of phlegm.
  • Health Tonic– This oil is also considered to be a health tonic in aayurveda that increases immunity.
  • Gum Strengthening– For preventing tooth decay and strengthening of gum, it can be rubbed on it.
  • Anti-cancer– In organic form, this oil has been found to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Prevents Coronary Diseases– Studies have shown that if taken in correct proportions it can restrict the tendency of coronary diseases in humans.
  • For Hair – Mustard oil has been traditionally used for hair growth as it has beta carotene which transforms into vitamin A that stimulates growth of new hair. Fatty oils strengthen hair follicles which arrest hair-loss. Hair packs and oil made by boiling it with henna leaves are great for faster growth of hair strands.
  • For Skin : Massaging skin with pure mustard oil relieves  problems from dry skin and it is also good for treating ring-worms. It also induces warmth in the body through skin. Massaging this oil leaves you with a soft, wrinkle-free and glowing skin.


Other uses of mustard oil

  • It is used during Punjabi weddings as fuel in Jaggo pots and also on several Hindu ceremonies like Diwali for lighting ‘diya’ or earthen lamps.
  • It is used in the preparation of cosmetics applied on the bride before the wedding in the ritual called Mayian.
  • A sticky mixture made using this oil is applied in Indian musical instruments like ‘Dholki’ and ‘Dholak’ to oil their membrane for improving the sound quality of the drums.
  • For welcoming guests, newly wedded couples and for celebrating victory, mustard oil is oil poured along the side of the entrance of the house.
  • Pure mustard oil is used for massages in babies and adults, as it improves blood circulation.
  • For keeping insects and pests out, you can use it in vaporizers and insect repellant.