Ayurvedic treatment of Prostatitis
Prostate enlargement (Prostatitis)
Enlargement of the Prostate gland leads to obstruction in the outward flow of urine through the urethra. This condition which often occurs in old age is very troublesome as the patient has to strain himself to pass the urine. Cancer of the Prostate is a common complication. Allopathy treats Prostatitis by surgery. Drawing from the vast pharmacopeia of traditional Ayurveda, some simple remedies for this condition are presented below.
- Shilajit mixed with milk should be orally taken every day.
- The extract of the root of the herb Kateri should be orally taken daily for a few days.
- A glass of carrot juice taken separately or in combination with spinach juice (in 3:2 ratio), twice a day is a very good remedy in Prostatitis and other prostate diseases.
- The root of turmeric plant contains curcumin, which is a powerful anti toxin and helps alleviate inflammation of prostate. A decoction made by boiling turmeric root in water when taken in 100 ml quantity twice a day is a good remedy for Prostatitis. There are many more remedies and also equally or more effective pharmacological formulations in Ayurveda that are of proven value in the treatment of Prostatitis. But since Ayurveda believes and rightly so that no medicine can provide 100% cure on its own and the role of medicine and lifestyle regulation has been fixed at 50% each in the curative treatment of every disease, it is considered desirable to indicate below the lifestyle regulation needed for cure of this very common and widespread ailment of modern times.
lifestyle regulation measures
- Excessive roaming in hot sun is to be avoided.
- Do not suppress the desire of urination and defecation.
- Avoid overwork and physical or mental overstrain.
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