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Author: Ramesh Chandra Sharma
I am male 69 Year old.
In the year 1996 I was posted in one project in Sikkim and during winter I was suffering from acute cough troubling me in day and night. I got allopathic treatment including antibiotic and anti allergic from project doctors but no result. I took treatment from one private hospital of Siliguri who gave me medicines after conducting vigorous allergic tests. They could not identify the source of allergy. The result of the treatment was nil. Then I went to Kolkata where they conducted again vigorous allergy tests but they also could not find the source of allergy but gave allopathic medicines. But no improvement. Then I myself decided to find the source of allergy and stopped all medicines. I was regularly taking one glass of local orange juice in breakfast and one orange after lunch. I stopped taking juice and orange and started drinking warm water. The improvement started visible after a week and after three weeks the cough problem vanished. The patient can treat himself by changing his food items, doing yoga regularly and working with right posture .
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