Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial Asthma is a very common disease afflicting adults, older persons and children. It is such an irritating condition that the patient is forced to take the help of ‘inhaler’ – a modern accessory designed and made for this purpose. Much money and effort has been pumped into research on Asthma by the Allopathic school and all that has been concluded is that Asthma is an ‘allergy’ caused inter – alia by dust, pollen, pollutants of various types or even specific articles of diet. To prevent Asthma these triggering causes must be prevented (howsoever impractical it may be!). But if an attack of Asthma does come about, the distressing symptoms must be controlled and quelled by suitable chemotherapic agents which can directly act on the bronchioles and reduce their constriction.
It would, therefore, not be incorrect to say that to date Allopathy has not been able to bring about a curative treatment of Asthma or even standardise a regimen that can effectively prevent it. Homoeopathy has also something to offer for treatment of Asthma with its accompanying symptoms of breathlessness and uneasiness. Some claims are made by practitioners of Homeopathy that they can alter the ‘Constitution’ of the patient and permanently cure his Asthma through suitable high potency medicines. Homoeopathy can tackle the acute symptoms of Asthma through the proper, carefully selected potentised remedy but cannot effect a permanent cure because the latter calls for correction of lifestyle.
Comprehensive lifestyle correction prescription is only provided by the traditional Ayurvedic school of medicine which can pinpoint the specific facets of lifestyle correcting regimen. Ayurveda say that Asthma is a disease which is caused by vitiation of ‘Vata’. Therefore it afflicts mostly those persons who have predominantly ‘Vata’ type of constitution. How does ‘Vata’ get vitiated ? Let us recount the ‘Vata’ vitiating causes.
- Ingestion of bitter substances
- Overeating
- Excess of walking or excess of talking
- Harbouring constant fear in the mind
- Eating too much of dried, fried or baked foods
- Excess of horse riding
- Taking bath in the post noon period of the day
- Eating stale foods
- Fasting
- Excessive indulgence in sex
- Keeping awake or working during late night
- Consumption of thickset rice, carrot, peas, onion, black cereals, green leafy vegetables like lettuce in large quantities
Any chronic sufferer of Asthma would at once testify to the veracity of the above theory when he will admit to indulging in one or more of the aforementioned indiscretions. In order to prevent the occurrence of Asthmatic attacks, it is necessary to avoid this indulgence. However, even when attacks do occur, Ayurveda has ‘body – friendly’ remedies to control effectively the intensity of symptoms. Some of the trusted and proven home remedies and preparations are given below.
- Take a few feathers of peacock and burn them out completely to ash. Take 2 to 4 grams of this ash in a small betel leaf and chew the betel leaf thoroughly. This will provide good relief during an attack of Asthma.
- Old jaggery (10 grams) and mustard oil 10 grams may be mixed and eaten in small quantities every day. As in cough, this medication is effective in Bronchial Asthma too. Ayurveda has many other formulations to offer for treatment of Bronchial Asthma and some of these formulations are standardized, proven and time-tested. The best way to select the proper formulation is to consult a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic ‘Vaid’ (physician) and follow his advice. Asthma sometimes also afflicts infants. In many cases of infantile Asthma, the ailment is attributable to ‘Vaccinosis’ or bad effects of vaccination. Under these circumstances, Homoeopathic medicines are wonderfully efficacious. Natrum Sulph 6x, Thuja 30 , and Kali Mur 6x are some of these medicines which should be prescribed according to similarity of symptoms.
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